Friday, October 8, 2010

McIntosh Lake

Quick hitter update.  Today's workout was supposed to be a tempo effort.  In my world that's somewhere between half and full marathon pace.  The kind of effort you can keep up for 2 hours or so.

The weather is blustery, windy, cloudy and cool.  A perfect fall day.  Reminds me of training for cross country in high school:  New Jersey in Voorhees State Park and in VT on Bump Road.  It's actually snowing in the mountains.  Aside from the wind, I'd call that perfect for running.   Good stuff.

I started out comfortably fast to warm up, but when I hit my lap button suddenly it felt like the race was on.  I settled into an effort comfortably above my tempo effort - not much, but perceptibly.  I was ticking through right around 7 minutes per mile and feeling good.  The weather surely had something to do with that.  There's no way I could run for 2 hours at 7/mile, but I could probably go slightly faster than that in a 10k.  Perhaps I will if I run in the Longmont Turkey Trot again this year.  We shall see.  I'd like to break 42 minutes in a 10k before we head to Bolivia.

I did 2 laps of the trail around McIntosh Lake for a total of 6.9 miles.  My 5 mile "tempo" section was done in 35 minutes and 10 seconds.

Anyway we're going up to the cabin this evening, I'll log a few miles on the Colorado trail tomorrow.  Not sure how many, but I'm looking for 2.5 to 3 hours.

Thanks for reading.

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