Thursday, October 20, 2011

Injury Update and a bit of review.

So at this point the Blues Cruise is 18 days in the past, but I'm still dealing with it's repercussions.  The pain in my foot from the original injury has subsided substantially, but isn't gone and there are new issues that are cropping up as a result of my modified gait.

At this point I'm making a conscious effort to not limp while I walk, but find it difficult to concentrate on that all the time.  All that whining aside, if the improvement carries on as it's been going, I think I'll resume running on Tuesday the first of November.  A full month without running, but a good time to start training again.

In other news, I got back to Bolivia yesterday.  A bit later than I was supposed to, but it's good to see Nataly and Deneb again.

Tuesday-Wednesday were a tremendously long travel period.  I woke up in Vermont at 5:45 AM to finish packing and my Mom and I were on the road to Albany airport at 7:20.  I took a flight from Albany to Fort Lauderdale, the train from Fort Lauderdale to Miami Airport, and then had a 5 hour sit in MIA.

My MIA to Bolivia flight departed on time, but about an hour and a half into the flight the pilot came on the intercom and declared one of the 2 layers of glass in a forward windshield had shattered and we'd be turning around.  He suggested that it wasn't a terribly good idea to go to La Paz with only one layer of glass protecting the cockpit.

Our landing featured quite a lurch, but we re-arrived uneventfully at MIA to a welcoming party of multiple police cruisers and at least 2 fire trucks.  We had to sit on the runway for a bit while the public servants went over our conveyance and eventually we taxied back to our gate.  We deplaned somewhere around 1 in the morning.

It took until about 2 for the airline to begin loading us onto our new plane, and there was a bit of a rush to do so because at 2:30 our crew wouldn't be able to make the trip.  The captain actually pulled away from the gate while there was a person or 2 still standing so that the flight wouldn't have to be cancelled.

Thank Zeus.  My phone was dead, my charger checked, and I had no way of telling my wife this harrowing tale.

It turns out a bunch of people on this flight ended up getting fairly well screwed, just not me so much.  Because of all of the delays, anyone going to La Paz got to spend the better part of the day in Santa Cruz because our flight crew had indeed hit their time limit and had to skip our mountainous destination.

Getting to Bolivia has never been one of the easier tasks I've undertaken, but seeing Nataly and Deneb when I finished with customs made everything leading up to it seem trivial.

Thanks for reading, and may you make all of your connections.

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